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Branding and visual identity


How do you want people to feel when they see your brand for the first time? And then every time after that?

Indifferent? Bored? “Oh, just another [insert industry or product] brand”?

No? That’s what we thought.

If you want customers to get curious or even excited to explore your brand, you need to take care of that first touchpoint. And that’s when you’ll need branding that grabs attention and keeps it.

Branding is more than your name, logo, colors, and fonts. It combines multiple elements creating a whole – your brand with a distinct personality you can see right off the bat. A brand that’s consistent with your company’s values, history, and goals for the future. The future in which you’re an established player in your industry, with an established presence in the minds of your existing customers and the ones that you still need to reach.

We can be your partner in creating branding and visual identity that captures the essence of your brand and meets the needs of your target audience. And does it in a unique style. Not necessarily following all the fleeting design fads. But always rooted in your brand’s DNA, supported by design solutions that have been tried and tested across industries.

We’ve helped create many unforgettable brands that fueled business growth for our clients. And we’re committed to making your new or refreshed branding and visual identity a profitable investment.


Key visual

The key visual is – you guessed it – key for all your marketing materials. That’s why we give it all the attention it needs based on your brand strategy. So that you can grab your customers’ attention and let them know who you are when they first see you.strategii Twojej marki i jej potrzebach. Tak, by zapadać w pamięć odbiorców i jasno komunikować, z kim mają do czynienia – już na pierwszy rzut oka.

Brand manual

Our brand manuals include all the details of your new visual identity. One look at it, and your team or the agencies and contractors you work with in the future know how to create consistent visuals, no matter the channel.

Brand audit

Want to refresh your brand? We’ll take a look at your current visual identity based on timeless best practices in brand design and current industry trends. We’ll find what needs improvement and recommend practical solutions to fix it.rebranding? Przyjrzymy się dotychczasowej identyfikacji w kontekście zarówno dobrych praktyk projektowania marki, jak i tego, co aktualnie dzieje się w Twojej branży. Znajdziemy to, co warto usprawnić i zaproponujemy konkretne rozwiązania.

Logo design

Designing a good logo is a bit more complicated than you could think. But you can leave all the design mechanics to us. For you, the logo needs to reflect your brand’s character and tie all the marketing communication together – from your website to your promotional gadgets.strony internetowej po firmowe gadżety. Za każdym razem nie pozostawiając cienia wątpliwości, o kogo chodzi.

Branding and visual identity – case studies

Read some of the stories of the brands we’ve designed.

Digital Design

Communication strategy

Web Design

Frontend Development

Visual Identity

At 247 Studio, we’ve built many visual brands across multiple industries and growth stages – from brand refresh all the way to brands created from scratch.

We build strong brands at every stage of their growth.

Let's Talk

Answers to the most burning questions about branding and visual identity

What’s branding, anyway?

Branding is the process of creating a brand using a set of elements that define it – from the name to the logo and its variations, to colors, fonts, and key visuals.

Other branding elements include:

  • brand story
  • brand values
  • product design
  • market positioning
  • visual and verbal language.

Successful branding is when your customers recognize your brand instantly, even when they don’t see your brand name (or even your logo.) That’s our goal when we’re building your brand’s identity and image.

Branding and visual identity – what’s the difference?

Visual identity is all the visual elements that create it, for example :  

  • logo
  • your color palette
  • typography
  • design templates (e.g., offers, leaflets, packaging, social media designs, etc.)

Visual identity is a branding tool. Branding is a much wider concept, including many more elements like your brand name, how you talk to your customers, your brand claim, etc. All of the things that create the brand experience for your customers, including how that experience is different from your competitors.

What’s a key visual?

The key visual is the main design concept appearing across your sales and marketing materials:

  • logo
  • your color palette
  • typography
  • design templates (e.g., offers, leaflets, packaging, social media designs, etc.)

Wherever your customers come across your brand.

A key visual can include:

  • illustrations in a particular style
  • photos, including a specific mood, colors, framing, etc.
  • text and image layout
  • typography
  • etc.

A key visual is not your logo. It’s not one design file or a single image. As the very name suggests, it’s the visual key to your brand or a specific marketing campaign. It’s what makes people recognize your brand instantly, even when they can’t see your logo.

Does my brand need a key visual?

If you want people to instantly recognize everything your brand puts out there, then yes, you could definitely use one.

People will instantly know it’s you when they see:

  • your product on a store shelf
  • your post when they’re scrolling Instagram
  • your tradeshow stand (even from a distance)

What does a brand manual include?

Depending on the scope of our work, it’ll include elements like:

  • brand characteristics (if we’re also working on the brand strategy)
  • logo mechanics (e.g., protected area, minimum sizing, composition)
  • logo variations (e.g., horizontal and vertical, with and without a tagline)
  • typography
  • colors
  • photo style recommendations
  • visualizations / mockups
  • color variants
  • design grid
  • construction method
  • content gradation

Anything that lets designers create consistent brand communication across channels.  komunikację marki we wszystkich kanałach, w jakich jest obecna.

What’s the result of the brand audit?

The result is a document with a summary of our market and brand research and recommendations. It will help you verify how your current visual identity aligns with your business goals and strategic guidelines.audytu marki jest dokument, w którym podsumowujemy przeprowadzoną przez nas analizę marki i rynku, wraz z konkretnymi rekomendacjami i przykładami. Dzięki niemu zweryfikujesz działanie obecnej identyfikacji pod względem celów biznesowych Twojej firmy i wspólnie wypracowanych z nami założeń strategicznych.

You’ll also get all the information you need to decide on the next branding steps (with or without us.)  

What does the branding process look like?

We’ll start with workshops to define strategic requirements, collect needs and inspirations, and define goals.

Our designers will then research and test ideas to finally come up with two proposals that include:

  • a new brand logo
  • a new key visual
  • color palette
  • typography

  • visualizations across formats and placements.

You’ll get two brand visions representing the same values in two different ways.

How much time does branding take?

From the workshops to the presentation, the entire process usually takes 20 working days. Contact us to get a detailed estimate for your project.Skontaktuj się z nami po dokładną wycenę czasową Twojego projektu.

How much does it cost to rebrand?

The quote is always based on the individual project scope. Contact us, and let’s talk about what it looks like in your case.

How much do we have to engage during the project?

In the first design phase, we will engage you in a workshop and briefing - at this stage we need to get as much information and expectations about your brand as possible from you.

Kolejny raz zaangażujemy Cię dopiero na etapie feedbacku do propozycji, które przedstawimy Ci jako efekt naszych prac.

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