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UX/UI Design


Great, eye-catching branding, but nobody knows where to click or what to do next? That’s not how we do it.

Yes, the first impression is super important. It’s when a potential customer decides whether they want to explore your offer at all. But it’s just the beginning of their experience with your brand – on your website, in your online store, or in your mobile app.

At 247 Studio we help build brands people can’t forget. But we also make sure that what they can’t forget doesn’t include that helpless feeling of frustration when you can’t find what you’re looking for.

That’s why when we design web interfaces and any brand materials, we focus on the user experience – information that’s easy to access and a user path that’s intuitive and leads them straight to their goal.


User journey

When a potential customer first comes to your website, they’re starting a journey. And whether they make it to their destination (or get stuck along the way and decide to leave and never come back) depends on how well that journey and your user interface are designed.markę – na przykład trafiając na Twoją stronę – potencjalny klient wyrusza w drogę. To od dobrze zaprojektowanej ścieżki użytkownika odzwierciedlonej w intuicyjnym interfejsie zależy, czy trafi do celu, czy odpadnie po drodze z mocnym postanowieniem, żeby już nigdy nie wrócić.

Design system

A cohesive brand is in the details: icons, heading hierarchy, typography, clear links, and intuitive buttons. We won’t miss even the slightest detail that can affect your website’s or app’s user experience. zaprojektowana marka przejawia się też w drobiazgach – ikonach na stronie czy w aplikacji, hierarchii nagłówków ze spójną typografią, jasno i spójnie oznaczonych linkowaniach i intuicyjnych buttonach. Nie pominiemy żadnego elementu, który wpłynie na doświadczenie Twojego odbiorcy.

Motion design

We have many methods and tools to streamline user interactions with your brand and its interface. We’ll recommend different solutions like animations and interactive elements that can make the user experience a lot better.


Before we build the MVP, we’ll create a fully functional prototype in Figma to reflect the target website or app. This helps us nail down all the required functionality before we get to the coding stage.

UX/UI design — case studies

Read some of the UX/UI design stories of the brands we’ve worked with.

Digital Design

Communication strategy

Web Design

Frontend Development

Visual Identity

At 247 Studio, we’ve designed many user experiences for brands across multiple industries and at different growth stages.

We design UI/UX solutions that genuinely support your business.

Let's Talk

Answers to the most burning questions about UX/UI design

What’s UX?

UX stands for “user experience”. UX design is planning the experience for someone who moves around your website or app to make it as intuitive and straightforward as possible.  

What’s UI?

UI stands for “user interface”. UI design is – you guessed it – designing user interfaces, for example, for a website, a web app, or a mobile app.  

UX and UI – what’s the difference?

To design a UI, you first need to design the UX. UX design means creating the entire user experience, including the user journey. A UX designer researches user needs and plans the way an app or website will work based on those needs: how the user will move around, what features they’ll use and how, step by step.  

UI design focuses on the details of a specific app or website: things like how buttons are placed and what they look like, the typography, colors, contrast, accessibility, etc. It’s a reflection of the user experience in specific elements combined with a brand’s visual identity.identyfikacją wizualną marki.

What’s a user journey?

The user journey is the foundation of UX design. It’s how your customers interact with your brand, for example, on your website. You could see it as a map showing how the user moves around and how to get them to their destination (e.g., the “buy” button) as seamlessly as possible. stronie internetowej. To swego rodzaju mapa, która pokazuje, jak użytkownik się porusza i jak bezproblemowo doprowadzić go do celu (np. zakupu w Twoim sklepie internetowym).

What design tools do you use?

We mainly use Figma for website architecture, prototyping, and individual web page design.

What’s prototyping?

Prototyping is creating an initial version of a website or app that’s more than just a static mockup but is not yet a final, coded product.  

It’s when we plan and visualize the user journey and all functionality. We can also test it with our clients and their customers to see what we can improve on before passing the website or app on to our developers.

What does a prototype include?

A prototype includes the design of the homepage and all subpages defined in the project's scope. It’s an exact image of what the website will look like after we code it.  

What does the website development process look like?

We divide the development work into sprints, and when we’re done, we present the website to the client to gather feedback.  

  • We start with defining the required functionality and the main goal of the website.  
  • We then define the website architecture, including the number of pages and how they’re linked to each other.  
  • Then, we design the homepage to present the overall style of the website.
  • When you approve the homepage, we go on to create the remaining pages.  

We divide the development work into sprints, and when we’re done, we present the website to the client to gather feedback.  

Let's connect


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