01 - 05

Brand strategy


“We don’t need a brand strategy,” – said no brand ever. Or rather, many have said that. Only to complain later that they’re not getting the results they expected. And, at some point, be forced to take care of the strategy anyway.

The truth is that brand strategy is the foundation of your business and how you communicate it to your customers. That’s why it’s usually some of the best money you can spend on the growth of your company.

Contrary to popular opinion (at least in some circles,) brand strategy is not a multipage Word document nobody needs or, in fact, reads.

What it is, though, are clear goals and ways to achieve them. Precise directions towards consistent growth instead of throwing spaghetti at the wall and seeing what sticks.

In the long term, a brand strategy also saves your business time and money. Your team knows what to do, how to do it, who your ideal customers are, and how to communicate your products and services in a way that speaks to their needs while remaining on brand. So that your brand grabs their attention – for good.


Strategic Workshops

During our workshops, we’ll ask a lot of questions about your brand, from your goals and ambitions to details about your product or service. You and your team know your business best. Our goal is to learn as much as we can from you and create a brand strategy that captures its essence.warsztatów, zadamy Ci wiele pytań dotyczących Twojej marki – od Twoich ambicji i celów, przez Twoją konkurencję, po szczegóły związane z produktem czy usługą. Ty i Twój zespół znacie swój biznes najlepiej, a my wyciągniemy z Was jak najwięcej, żeby wykorzystać tę wiedzę do stworzenia strategii marki, która odda jej sedno.


Besides getting information from you, we’ll do our own research on your market segment. We’ll look at how your competitors communicate their brands and what your prospects look for. And we won’t limit ourselves to just one industry. We’ll look for innovative ideas to help your brand stand out.  

Brand positioning

Brand positioning is how your customers see your brand against others. To make sure they see it just how you intend it, all visual, functional, and emotional aspects of your brand have to come together as a whole. Don't worry, we’ll handle that.  

Tone of voice

Your brand is not just your logo and visual ID. It’s also how you talk to your customers using words. That’s why your brand strategy needs to clearly define this element, too, in line with all the others. And that’s why we include it in our strategic work. identyfikacja wizualna, ale również to, w jaki sposób komunikuje się z klientami za pomocą słów. Dlatego strategia komunikacji marki musi również jasno określić ten element, tak by współgrał z pozostałymi. I dlatego też ujmujemy go w naszych działaniach strategicznych.

Brand strategy — case studies

Read some of the stories of the brands we’ve worked on.

Digital Design

Frontend Development

Web Design

Communication strategy

Visual Identity

At 247 Studio, we’ve built many brand strategies across multiple industries and growth stages – from brand refresh all the way to brands created from scratch.

Need a strategy for an unforgettable brand?

Let's Talk

Answers to the most burning questions about brand strategy

How long do the workshops take?

Usually, the workshops take around half a workday. Depending on the scope of our project together, this could get a bit longer. When we kick off, we’ll figure out all the timing details with you.

We can run the workshops online and offline, depending on the timing and distance between us.

What’s the result of the workshops?

After the workshops, we’ll prepare a presentation with the key aspects of your brand strategy, including:

  • unique value proposition (a.k.a. UVP)
  • brand positioning
  • competitive analysis
  • brand personality
  • brand values
  • brand goals
  • tone of voice and visual identity guidelines
  • brand claim ideas
  • key selling points

Depending on the scope, we’ll also introduce a branding and visual identity proposal to confirm the direction you want to go in. identyfikacji wizualnej oraz brandingu, tak żeby ustalić kierunek, w jakim chcecie iść.

What’s tone of voice?

Tone of voice is how your brand talks to its audience using text across online and offline channels.

Depending on your brand’s personality, target audience, and marketing channels, your brand can speak in different ways (e.g., using everyday language, industry jargon, a formal tone, or even slang.) We’ll create clear guidelines to make the image and text come together.

Why does my brand need a tone of voice?

Defining the way your brand will speak to its audience will help your marketing team create consistent copy across channels, including:

  • your website
  • social media
  • emails
  • sales offers
  • etc.

Depending on the scope, we’ll also introduce a branding and visual identity proposal to confirm the direction you want to go in.

I already have a brand strategy. Do I need a new one?

The short answer is: it depends.

The longer one – it depends on things like:

  • whether your current brand strategy brings the results you want. (If that’s not the case, we’ll help you define what doesn’t work and fix it.)
  • whether your brand is going through a significant change – for example, you’re redefining your target audience or expanding into new markets
  • whether you need someone from outside your company to evaluate your current strategy (sometimes it’s hard to see things from inside the organization)

We’ll help with all of the above. We can start with a brand audit to look closer at all brand aspects and recommend a course of action.  audytu marki, gdzie przyjrzymy się bliżej wszystkim jej elementom i zarekomendujemy odpowiednie działania.

What does a brand strategy include?

A brand strategy is the foundation of your brand and the way it functions in your target markets. It includes:

  • your target audience – not just the demographics, but most of all, the needs your product or service answers
  • brand characteristics – its personality, attributes, values, and the way it solves a problem for the customer
  • brand positioning – the market segment you’re in and what you deliver to your target audience
  • unique value proposition
  • brand claim as a catchy rendition of your UVP
  • branding i identyfikację wizualnąbranding and visual identity
  • communication plan across marketing channels (i.e., brand communication strategy explaining how to execute the brand strategy)

A brand strategy is also your plan for growth. We’ll help you build a brand with your future goals in mind so that it can grow with your business.  

What does a brand communication strategy include?

A brand communication strategy includes details of how you’re going to talk about your brand to your customers and execute on your strategic guidelines. It includes:

  • marketing channels you’re going to use and their goals (e.g., brand awareness or sales)
  • your brand message on each of the channels and each stage of the buyer’s journey, for each customer persona
  • tone of voice and visual guidelines
  • competitive analysis.

Who needs to attend the workshops from our side?

You decide, but ideally, anyone who takes part in building the brand and communicating with customers and who can deliver valuable insights into your target audience and business goals.

The decision is yours.

Brand strategy – where do we even start?

Start by talking to us. We’ll discuss your goals and let you know what you need to create an effective strategy for an unforgettable brand.

Let's connect


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